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Discover our Montessori legacy and commitment to excellence.

Our classrooms are prepared according to Montessori methods, fostering learning in areas including Practical life, Sensorial, Math, Language, History, Geography, Botany, Zoology, arts and crafts, music, and movement. We provide a variety of activities/materials to develop gross and fine motor skills. Our curriculum provides a sound academic background while stimulating and challenging each child to meet his or her own particular needs and learning pace. We offer a year-round, full-day, half-day, and extended care program designed to promote the physical, social, cognitive, and emotional development of children through various activities such as field trips, library visits holiday celebrations, winter concerts, etc. We, at MVM, believe that it is fundamentally important to:

  • Recognize, encourage, protect, and respect the physical, emotional, and intellectual individuality of every child.
  • Provide a safe environment that nurtures every child’s self-esteem and creativity.
  • Provide opportunities for children to develop according to their own capabilities and interests.
  • Offer programs that foster independence, self-confidence, and social responsibilities.
  • Provide academic opportunities to allow each child’s individual learning style to develop fully.
  • Provide a well-rounded curriculum that will become the foundation for a lifetime of learning.

Our Mission Statement

Empowering young minds through authentic Montessori education, fostering independence, creativity, and a love for learning in a nurturing environment.

Our Vision Statement

To cultivate lifelong learners who embody curiosity, resilience, and empathy, equipped to thrive in an ever-changing world with confidence and compassion.

Reach Out to Us

Schedule a tour today and discover the Montessori difference for your child’s education journey. Contact us now to get started!

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Our Photo Gallery

Explore snapshots capturing the essence of Montessori education and student engagement.

School Calendar

Plan ahead and stay organized with our comprehensive school calendar featuring key events.

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