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In our classrooms, children engage in a diverse range of learning experiences that foster their natural progression across various domains.

  • Practical Life
    This area is crafted to instill in children the importance of self-care and environmental stewardship. By engaging with Practical Life materials, children refine their fine motor skills, enhance muscle control, and bolster hand-eye coordination. These activities also facilitate the development of crucial reading and writing skills by teaching left-to-right progression. Through a diverse range of tasks such as spoon-feeding, dressing, cooking, and more, children not only learn essential life skills, but also cultivate independence and confidence in everyday tasks.
  • Sensorial
    Children develop their understanding of the world by actively engaging their senses. In the sensorial area, activities encourage children to explore differences and similarities in what they see, hear, feel, taste, and smell. Through sensorial materials, children learn to categorize, distinguish, and connect new information with existing knowledge. These materials offer experiences with various textures, colors, sizes, and shapes, allowing children to manipulate objects like blocks to comprehend concepts such as size and shape relationships. Additionally, they can engage in sorting tasks with sound cylinders or assembling geometric shapes using triangle boxes.
  • Language
    Language development commences with verbal communication and progresses to reading and writing. Our classrooms integrate sensory materials to facilitate letter recognition through sight, touch, and texture. For instance, sandpaper letters aid in associating sounds with symbols, fostering writing and reading proficiency effortlessly. Using the “Moveable Alphabet,” children start forming and spelling basic words. Lessons include storytelling, handwriting practice, and an introduction to grammar to enhance reading comprehension. Our aim is for students to read simple words confidently before entering Kindergarten.
  • Math
    Mathematics activities facilitate children’s comprehension of numerical concepts through hands-on engagement with tangible materials. Presented sequentially and tailored to each child’s readiness, these activities allow children to progress at their own pace. By manipulating concrete objects, children gain a solid grasp of fundamental mathematical principles, cultivate problem-solving skills, and lay the groundwork for addition, subtraction, division, and multiplication.
  • History and Geography
    Children develop a global awareness by exploring geography, history, and diverse cultures. During the preschool years, they engage with small globes and puzzle maps to learn about continents, oceans, and countries. This fosters an appreciation for people and places worldwide, as well as within their own community. Through songs, stories, and introductions to major holidays like Columbus Day and Martin Luther King Jr. Day, children gain insight into different traditions and celebrations.
  • Science
    Our science program introduces children to fundamental concepts through hands-on exploration of plants, animals, the solar system, and weather phenomena. In zoology, topics range from organism classification to life cycles, distinguishing between living and non-living entities. Through outdoor excursions, children collect and examine real plants, identifying their various parts. They participate in planting and nurturing seeds, observing firsthand the processes of germination and growth as plants respond to sunlight and seek water sources underground.
  • Arts & Creativity
    Art plays a significant role in our curriculum, providing opportunities for self-expression and refinement of fine motor skills. Children engage in activities that involve experimenting with colors, textures, and patterns, fostering the development of both visual and sensory abilities.
  • Music & Movement
    In our curriculum, music serves as a pathway for children to discern sound variations, explore rhythm, expand vocabulary, and understand its influence on emotions. Through exposure to a diverse repertoire including songs, finger plays, nursery rhymes, and basic yoga, children engage with music daily.
  • Gardening
    Children engage in both outdoor and indoor gardening activities, where they plant seeds and care for growing plants, fostering a sense of responsibility and connection to nature.
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